Part #: 61610DRC
Same as our RYT610DD but comes with 454.000 on Ch2 and with a scan option built it. you get analog channels for racing and digital channels for private use plus a super cool option built in. No need for a Raceceiver X16 or scanner. Channel 2 is 454.0000 the standard tower official channel and has a scan option already programed in. Simply turn on the radio and press the small top button for 2 seconds. You must do this everytime the radio is turned on. You will hear scanning on and also see it on the screen. Ch1 and Ch 3-10 are standard analog channels. Channels 11-16 are Digital and not scanned [this channel selection will change over time]. This option can only be modified by a dealer. If you requested a special Freq on channel 2 you NEED TO CALL OR EMAIL IN ADVANCE